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Edmund Waller Primary School Concert – Orchestra and Choirs

  • Children and Families
  • Live Music

Event Details

Our fifty-strong orchestra has been established for many years at Edmund Waller, led by Una Birtchnell and supported by local musicians John Human, Fiona McCapra, Lucy Shaw, as well as some of our amazing, musical parents and member of the local community.

Many Edmund Waller alumni regularly return to play with, and support the young musicians. This event will also feature two of Edmund Waller’s three choirs, the Y2/3 choir and the Y4 – 6 choir (we also have a Y1 choir for our youngest singers). The choirs are led by Emily Coates and Daisy Moon.

Tickets limited to one per person.

Doors open 5.30pm.

  • Date: 21st March, 2024
  • Time: 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  • Duration: 1 hr(s)
  • Tickets:
    Get your tickets here
  • Ticket Price:
    Free but must be booked in advance
  • Location:
    St Catherine’s Church
    St Catherine’s Church,
    Pepys Road,
    SE14 5SG Learn more about the venue »
  • Event Type: Children and Families Live Music